PuzzleType=Crossword PuzzleTitle=Qualified Retirement Plans PuzzleDate= PuzzleAuthor= PuzzleCopyright=Play Games...Pass the Test © TESTivity PuzzleBackgroundColor=#FFFFFF GridBackgroundColor=#DFDFDF PuzzleTextColor=#000000 PuzzleTextSize=Normal CrosswordAllowCheck=True CrosswordAllowRevealWord=False CrosswordAllowRevealLetter=True CrosswordAllowSolve=False CrosswordForceUpperCase=True PuzzleUseTimer=True GridShadow=3 GridWidth=19 GridHeight=14 GridValues=0 0 0 0 0 1k0 0 0 0 0 1t0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1e1r1i1s1a0 1e1m1p1l1o1y1e1r0 0 0 0 0 1o0 0 1p0 0 1n0 0 0 0 0 1l0 0 0 0 0 0 1g0 0 1o0 0 0 0 0 1t0 0 1i0 0 1s1i1x1t1h0 1q1u1a1l1i1f1i1e1d0 1g0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1s0 0 0 0 0 1n0 0 1i0 0 1o0 0 0 0 1s1m1a1l1l0 0 0 1t0 0 1b0 0 1w0 1v0 0 1i0 1l0 0 1d0 0 1h0 0 1i0 1u1n1d1e1r0 1x0 0 0 0 1e0 0 1o0 0 1l0 0 0 0 1s0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1d0 0 1u0 0 1i0 1w1r1i1t1i1n1g0 0 0 0 1u0 0 1s1i1x1t1y0 1o0 1e0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1c0 0 1a0 0 1y0 0 1t0 1d1i1s1t1r1i1b1u1t1i1o1n0 0 0 0 0 1h0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1d0 0 0 0 Checksum=413834673 CWA=______ established standards that corporate retirement plans must adhere to in order to receive favorable tax considerations. (acronym) CWA=With a 403b who typically submits the premium to the insurer? CWA=Graded vesting requires a portion of the company contribution vest annually, with the employee being fully vested no later than the end of the ______ year. CWA=If a corporate retirement plan meets the criteria set forth by the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, it is a _______ plan. CWA=A SIMPLE IRA is only available to _____ employers. CWA=With regard to a qualified retirement plan, an employer may exclude from eligibility an employee ______ the age of 21. CWA=The Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 requires a qualified plan document be in ________. CWA=When transferring funds from one qualified plan to another, if the owner of the account takes possession of the funds, the transfer must be completed within ______ calendar days. CWA=The required minimum ________ from a qualified retirement plan starts April 1st of the year following the year the owner of the account attains age 70 ½. CWD=Another name for HR-10 Plan. CWD=Withdrawals from a 401(k) plan are taxed as ordinary income and may be subject to an additional _____ % federal tax penalty if withdrawn prior to age 59 ½. CWD=Which IRA may be funded with unearned income? CWD=_______, vesting and discrimination are the core issues addressed by the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974. CWD=What dollar amount may a first time home buyer under age 59 ½ withdraw from a qualified retirement plan without paying a premature distribution penalty? (2 words) CWD=Employees are always 100% vested in their ____ contributions to the plan. CWD=If a plan participant exceeds the maximum allowable contribution to a qualified retirement plan the penalty accessed on the excess contribution is ____% per year. CWD=When a plan participant achieves a non-forfeitable right to benefits under the plan he/she is _______. CWD=If a corporate retirement plan is considered "qualified" the employer may ______ contributions to the plan as a business expense. CWD=This IRA is always funded with after tax contributions.